Guano-Diffusion, top-range organic powder fertilizers

Quality first!

GUANO DIFFUSION : our challenge and aim since our creation in 2012 has been to find a balance between producing efficient fertilizers, being an environmentally-friendly companyand respecting our clients.

We have developped and produce high-end organic fertilizers that enable farmers and growers achieve high yield harvests with natural products : grow and bloom bat guanos, mycorrhizal fungus, seaweed powder.... Guano Diffusion offers a comprehensive range of fertilizers and substrates that mett the nutritional needs of each and every stage of development of your plants. Each of our products has its specific role in the plant growth. Thanks to our feeding charts and clear instructions, all our products are easy to use.

All our fertilizers are suitable both for indoor and outdoor growing, for potted and open-ground crops and for all types of plants. And last but not least, all our fertilizers are approved for use in organic agriculture, in compliance with the european regulation (EC 837/2007).

Guano Diffusion enables you to grow organic crops in an easy and efficient way. Just follow our feeding charts and be careful to mix our fertilizers only with light substrates (soil or coco substrates that are not already mixed with other fertilizers).

We are happy to answer all your questions on our FAQ page, where you will rapidly learn which product to choose according to your plants’ needs. You can also reach us by phone or send us an email. We are here to help you !


GUANODIFF CLASSIC’S is our flagship product. Manufactured in our factory in France, it is a premium bat guano, 100% organic, that we cold-sift and homogenize in order to obtain a top-range fertilizer. It is particularly effective to boost roots’ development as well as to strenghten and boost stems and leaves.

Guanodiff Classic’s is a natural, organic and high-yield fertilizer NP 3-8. It is rich in trace elements and essential nutrients. In addition to its extraordinary fertilizing power, bat guano has natural antifungal properties and works as a natural nematicide. Guanodiff Classic’s meets the requirements of the French standard NFU 42-001/A10, and can be used in organic growing in compliance with European regulation standards (EC) No 834/2007.



Code - French Regulation Standards

NF U 42-001/A10

Organic Agriculture

Product in compliance with European Regulation Standards (CE) n°834 / 2007

Fertilizer type

Organic NP, guaranteed without mineral additives

Key nutrients

Phosphorus 8,5% Nitrogen 3,5%

Secondary nutrients and trace elements

Calcium 19%
Potassium 0,8%
Iron 0,77%
Magnesium 0,74%
Manganese 0,1%
Boron 23mg/kg

Key characteristics

High efficiency roots, stem and leaves growth booster

Additional characteristics

Natural nematicide and antifungal : strenghtens plants and makes them more resistent to parasites and pathogen fungus. Will not burn your plants if used in excess.

Time efficiency

Immediate action and then for up to 8 to 10 weeks.

User guide

Mix Guanodiff Classic’s directly with the substrate in the following proportions : 10g of Guanodiff Classic’s for 1L of substrat. See our Feeding Charts

  • High yield harvests
  • High efficiency fertilizer see our feeding charts
  • A pH close to neutral (6.2)
  • An odourless fertilizer, usable for both indoor and outdoor growing
  • Works as a natural nematicide and hase natural antifungal properties
  • Can be used with all types of crops and is not toxic
  • No risk to burn your plants, thanks of a 150-year mineralization process
  • We offer significant discounts for bulk purchases

Incorporate the powder guano by mixing it with the soil substrate, or by raking it, when sowing your seeds or when transplanting. Use non-fertilized substrate such as ZeroMix® ;

  • Dosing for indoor crops : 10g / litre of non-fertilized soil. (= 1kg bat guano for 100L of soil)
  • Dosing for outdoor crops : between 80g and 100g / plant

For more information, see our page a href="/en/feed-charts/">feeding charts


GUANODIFF BLOOM for flowering and fructification : naturally rich in phosphorus, potassium, trace elements and amino acids, Guanodiff Bloom NPK 3-6-10 is a natural fertilizer which is a 100% of organic origin. It provides all the essential nutrients needed for an explosive flowering/fruiting.

Sugars and carbohydrates that are part of Guanodiff Bloom participate directly in the process of sugar synthesis by your plants. Harnessing all the properties of bat guano, Guanodiff Bloom increases crop productivity and enhances the aromas of flowers and fruits.



Code - French Regulation Standards

NF U 42001

Organic Agriculture

Product in compliance with European Regulation Standards (CE) n°834 / 2007

Fertilizer type

100% Organic NPK, guaranteed without any mineral additives

Key nutrients

Potassium 10%
Phosphorus 6%
Nitrogen 3%
+ Polysaccharides, carbohydrates

Secondary nutrients and trace elements

Calcium 17%
Magnesium 0,7%
Iron 0,63%
Manganese 0,08%
Boron 26mg/kg

Key characteristics

Boosts flowers and fruits’ growth and ripening. Enables higher yields Aroma and flavour booster

Additional characteristics

Natural nematicide and antifungal : strenghtens plants and makes them more resistent to parasites and pathogen fungus.

Time efficiency

Immediate action and then for 10 weeks.

User guide

Mix Guanodiff Bloom directly with the substrate at the beginning of the flowering stage and in the following proportions : 10g of Guanodiff Bloom for 1L of substrat. You can aslo mix this fertilizers with your irrigation water. See our Feeding Charts

Our tip

Once the growth phase supported by Guanodiff Classic’s is over, use Guanodiff Bloom. It is specifically designed for the blooming and ripening phases.


ALGUAMYCOR ® is a powerful root booster that is based on the biological effectiveness of the symbiosis between mycorrhizal fungi and your plant.

During transplantation, simply mix the powder ALGUAMYCOR ® into your soil, up to 10 grams per litre of substrate. (100 gr for 10 L). The result is undoubtedly: a root system up to 7 times more effective.

When planting or transplanting your crops, simply mix 10g of ALGUAMYCOR® per plant with the soil. ALGUAMYCOR® is a powder fertilizer, so mixing it with your substrate/soil will be easy. The results will be undeniable :a root system as much as 7 times more efficient !



Code - French Regulation Standards

NF U42001

Organic Agriculture

Product in compliance with European Regulation Standards (CE) n°834 / 2007

Fertilizer type

100% Orgánico guaranteed without any mineral additives


Seaweed meal and endomycorrhizal fungi

Key nutrients

15000 Glomus propagules by kg

Secondary nutrients and trace elements

Potassium 3%
Calcium 2,6%
Nitrogen 2%
Magnesium 0.98%
Phosphore 0.2%
Iron 0,63%
Manganese 0,08%
Boron 26mg/kg
+ oligosaccharides, polysaccharides (alginate, carrageenan, laminarin, fucoids), vitamins (riboflavin, tiamine...)

Key charcateristics

Root system booster. Makes the root systems up to 7 times more efficient !

Additional characteristics

Natural nematicide and antifungal : strenghtens plants and makes them more resistent to parasites and pathogen fungus. Growth booster and stem thickener. Enables better harvests, both in quality and quantity.


Store in a cool and dry place. Keep away from the sun.

Our tip

Use when transplanting your crops. Mix 10g of Alguamycor per liter of soil. Water.For optimal results, start using ALGUAMYCOR® when planting/transplanting your crops for the first time.

Lombricompost : 1kg = 10kg of horse manure!

Our LOMBRICOMPOST is a natural amendment made by worms breaking down organic material. Vermicompost is naturally rich in enzymes, natural hormones, rhizosphere micro-organisms, bacteria and beneficial fungi. It is a real soil activator!

When adding LOMBRICOMPOST to your soil, all the organic fertilizers are broken down at an optimal pace. This makes it an amendment of exceptional efficiency regarding root system boosting, water retention, early flower and fruit development, and fruit and vegetables ripening. Last but not least, LOMBRICOMPOST can be used in organic farming as it meets the European Regulation Standards (CE) n°834/2007.

LOMBRICOMPOST is more efficient than regular compost when it comes to soil microbial activity. In an interview in 1999, researcher Dr Clive Edwards from the University of Ohio concluded that « lombricompost could be up to a 1000 times more efficient than regular compost when it comes to soil microbial activity, even if this ratio is not always reached. » (Source : Ferme du Moutta).

Instructions :

  • In a vegetable garden use 1kg of LOMBRICOMPOST per heavy feeder plant (tomatoes, zucchinis...) in combination with an organic fertilizer
  • For shrubs and trees : add 1Kg to 3kg at the foot of the tree
  • For flower beds : add 250g of LOMBRICOMPOST per m2
  • For specific crops : see our Feed Chart


LOMBRICOMPOST (high-end – fine screening)

Code - French Regulation Standards

NF U 44-051

Fertilizer type

100% organic and guaranteed without any mineral additives

Key nutrients

Micro-organisms, 50 types of bacteria, 9 beneficial fungi.
Humic acids + fulvic acids
Organic materials: 22.1%
Organic Nitrogen (N) 0.9%
Phosphoric anhydride (P) 0.8%
Potassium oxide 0.4%

Secondary nutrients and trace elements

Enzymes and natural hormones

Key charcateristics

Breaking down of organic materials booster

Additional characteristics

Plant growth booster. Enhances plants’ resistance to water stress.

User guide

For indoor crops : mix with the substrate, adding 20% of Lombricompost For outdoor crops : mix with the substrate, adding between 1 to 2 kg of Lombricompost per plant.

Our tip

Add Lombricompost to your soil when transplanting your crops, adding organic fertilizers at the same time. Do NOT use with mineral fertilizers.


Guanodiff AUTOMATIK’ NPK 3-7-5 is a fertilizer that is a 100% organic and specifically designed for crops with early and automatic blooming developing in only one pot.

It is rich in organic bat guano and gives your plants all the major and secondary nutriments they need, as well as trace elements and polysaccharides (sugar). Thanks to AUTOMATIK’, your plants will gro healthily and produce tasty early flowers and fruits.

Naturally rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, trace elements and aminoacids, AUTOMATIK’ is a really source of essential nutritive elements to achieve early, abundant and quality harvests.

Carbohydrates play a key role in sugar synthesis and therefore in producing tastier fruits and vegetables.

Guanodiff AUTOMATIK’ is an organic fertilizer NPK 3-7-5 that can be used in organic farming*. You will just have to mix it with your soil, adding 10g of AUTOMATIK’ for each liter of substrate.

*European regulation standards CE n°834-2007

Guanodiff AUTOMATIK is to be used with Alguamycor® and Lombicompost. We highly recommend adding half a dose of Guanodiff Bloom through light spiking of the soil every 15 to 20 days after potting your plants.



Code - French Regulation Standards

NF U42001

Organic Agriculture

Product in compliance with European Regulation Standards (CE) n°834 / 2007

Fertilizer type

100% organic fertilizer NPK and guaranteed without any mineral additives

Key ingredients

Bat guano, beet vinasse

Key nutrients

Potassium: 5%
Phophorus: 7%
Nitrogen: 3%
+ polysaccharides and carbohydrates

Secondary nutrients and trace elements

Calcium 18%
Magnesium 0,7%
Iron 0,68%
Manganese 0,09%
Boron 28mg/kg

Key charcateristics

Significatively increases harvests’ yield Efficient and easy-to-use with auto-flowering plants, or with plants grown in only one pot (for example, crops grown using the Autopot® system)

Additional characteristics

Natural antifungal : strenghtens plants and makes them more resistent to parasites and pathogen fungus.


Immediate action, and then for 4 to 6 weeks.

User guide

Mix with your substrate when preparing your growing pot, using 10g of AUTOMATIK for each liter of substrate.

Our tip

To boost seed germination, plant your seeds in GD SeedMix before transplanting them in their growing pot. After a week, transplant them in their final growing pot with ZEROMIX®, adding GUANODIFF AUTOMATIK, ALGUAMYCOR® and LOMBRICOMPOST. After another 15 to 20 days, add half-dose of GUANODIFF BLOOM. Add one more half- dose after another 15 to 20 days.

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